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Here are answers to some of the frequently asked questions. If you can’t find the answers you are looking for, contact us

About Our Meetings

When do you meet?

At Empower Toastmasters club, we meet from 12.15pm to 1.45pm on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at Alliance française on Wireless Rd, a short walk from MRT Lumpini. For detailed directions, click here.  We recommend you confirm our meeting schedule by following us on Meetup, Facebook or joining our Line group.

Can I join a meeting as a guest ? What does it mean to be a guest at your meeting ?

Yes, we welcome you as a guest at any and every meeting. Simply register in advance.  Empower meeting fee is 200 THB. The meeting contribution will go toward room rental and other meeting expenses. As a guest, you are welcome to try your hand at improvised speaking during the "Table Topics" session. You can simply observe, enjoy and interact with club members to gauge if our club and the Toastmasters program are the right fit for you. 

Do I need a certain level of English proficiency to take part?

English is not the first language for most of our members and our club serves as a good place to improve our speaking and listening skills in English. However, in order to benefit from the Educational Program, you should be able to understand and speak basic English. Meetings are conducted entirely in English. 



What is the difference between guest and member ?

As a guest, you are a visitor to the club. You don't have obligation to speak or participate in the meetings. You can observe, enjoy and mingle with club members.

As a member, you are enrolled into the educational program of Toastmasters with access to a structured learning pathway and resources aplenty. You gain the opportunity to improve your public speaking and leadership skills by delivering speeches and projects at the club. You get access to regular training programs and support from club members as well as the worldwide Toastmasters community. You become part of the well-knit social network of our club.  

As a member, do I have to attend each meeting? 

You are joining a self-paced program and attendance is not compulsory for any meeting. However, your progress is directly linked to the frequency and quality of your participation in the meetings. We recommend becoming a member if you are able to attend atleast one session every month, ideally two. 

How much does it cost to become a member at Empower Toastmasters ?

Membership fees go towards Toastmasters International (Education program and support) and club management - meeting room rental, supplies, refreshments etc. 

Members do not pay any fee for attending the weekly meetings as that is bundled into the recurring membership fees. 

What is the minimum membership duration ?

Toastmasters' calendar is made up of two 6 month membership cycles- April to September & October to March. If you join at the beginning of a cycle (April or October), you can join for 6 months. If you join the in middle of a membership cycle, you join for the remaining period of that cycle. When the new cycle starts, you have the option to to renew your membership for another 6 months. Club also offers a special discount for 12 month membership. Our Vice President Membership can help clarify any doubts on this topic. 

Is my membership at Empower also valid at other clubs in and out of Bangkok ?

Membership at any one Toastmasters club (including Empower) gives you the opportunity to participate in the education program at that specific club. Some members choose to hold membership at multiple clubs by paying the recurring membership fees at each club. This allows them to gain access to more speaking opportunities and a wider network.  We recommend that you start your Toastmasters journey with membership at one club of your choice. 

Join Empower toastmasters Club Meeting


What is Pathways ?

Pathways is the educational curriculum followed by Toastmasters club worldwide. It offers an exciting, flexible and interactive way to develop your communication and leadership skills by tailoring it to your unique learning objectives. All learning material is available online in several languages and allows you to tackle it in a step-by-step manner.  Learn more about Pathways

What kind of speeches will I learn to deliver? Will there be guidance on them?

Some projects will require you to speak on a specific topic or context- e.g. introduce yourself, moderate a panel discussion.  Others will encourage you to speak on a topic of your choice but focus on a specific objective to improve the delivery - body language, visual aids, voice modulation etc.  There is comprehensive guidance available for each speech/project you deliver through a combination of online resources from Toastmasters International, support from Vice-President Education at Empower and experienced club members. 

Do I receive an official certificate when I validate my level?

Every member is evaluated by other members, and awards are checked and submitted to Headquarter by your club committee members. When you complete a level, a certificate can be sent to you or to your employer in order to report on your progress. You can also download a certificate for every Pathways level you complete.

 Got more questions ? Contact Us !